Our Journal
Ask the Tailor: is Cashmere Suitable for Summer?
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Each month we ask our expert tailors to address one of your most frequent questions. This month we’re discussing cashmere and whether...
When is it Okay to Ditch Your Jacket?
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Schools used to have strict rules concerning summer attire. Do you remember? At a certain temperature it would be announced that summ...
How to Stand Out as a Wedding Guest
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Welcome to wedding season. We don’t know about you, but we can really get behind the idea of a good wedding. Not only is it a wonder...
What We Can Learn from the Tailoring of the Eighties
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When we think of the eighties we often think of big hair, new romantics and Frankie Says Relax. Though this decade is often remembere...
Ask the Tailor: What Should You Wear to Meet Your Tailor?
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Each month we ask our expert tailors to address one of your most frequent questions. This month we’re covering what you should wea...
Tartan and Tailoring: A Primer
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Tartan is an ancient Scottish fabric that was popularised by the Victorians. It is a woven wool fabric that comes in many dozens of ...
Style Inspiration from Prince Charles
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At the end of last year Prince Charles celebrated his 70thbirthday. Throughout his seventy years in the public eye, HRH Prince Charl...
Is it Time to Switch to Your Summer Suit?
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May is here and we’ve been lucky enough to have experienced some really lovely weather over the last few weeks. Of course, the we...
Ask the Tailor: Do Tailors Outsource?
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Each month we ask our expert tailors to address one of your most frequent questions. This month we’re exploring the idea of outsour...
What We Can Learn from the Tailoring of the Seventies
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The Seventies are remembered for many things, but the distinctive fashions are very high up the list! The period is often characteris...
A Guide to Overcheck Twill Tweed
Do you know your twill from your tweed? How about your twill tweed?! We’d like to introduce you to overcheck twill tweed, and why you might want t...
How to Prepare Your Summer Wardrobe
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The weather over the long Easter weekend was a delightful reminder of what we can expect from the summer months ahead. Of course, so...