Can Good Style Be Taught?

Photo by Jamie Schaap

There’s a common idea that style is something you’re either born with or you’re not. Though it’s certainly true that some of us have a more inherent natural sense of style than others… we wouldn’t say the ability to look good is based solely on DNA.

In fact, at Mullen & Mullen we believe that good style can be taught, and that it can be done so at any point in life. Just because you weren’t toddling around in bespoke tailored trousers by age two doesn’t mean you’re destined for a lifetime of a below par wardrobe.

If you’ve never been completely happy with the way you dress, why not make 2016 the year you change that? Below we’ve shared a handful of simple tips designed to help you look your best and command respect.

Make a study of style

One of the best ways to improve your style is to pay closer attention to the type of looks you admire. Got a friend who always looks perfectly turned out? Next time you meet for a drink, challenge yourself to decide what it is that you really like about what he wears. Is his style mainly formal? Laid back? Well tailored? Vintage inspired? Contemporary? Does he wear a lot of colour or mainly greys and blacks? How does he wear accessories?

Once you’ve settled on some answers, try doing the same with other people you know or perhaps when flicking through a magazine or newspaper. Compare your findings about your own preferences with what’s currently in your wardrobe. There may be less crossover than you expect.

Get a trusted professional on your side

Even the most naturally stylish people don’t always do it alone. There’s a great deal of value in getting expert advice from professionals. Find yourself an expert tailor and you’re likely to be in very good hands. Not only will a tailor be able to create beautifully bespoke menswear designed specially for you, they’ll also be happy to offer advice on how to wear it and what to wear it with.

Upgrade your basics

Consider simple clothing basics such as shirts, tailored trousers, t-shirts and sweaters as the building blocks of good style. If you’re relying on ill-fitting, poorly aged or low quality garments to build up your outfits, the end result is likely to be underwhelming. If you upgrade these basic garments and ensure they’re high quality and a perfect fit, the outfits you create from them will be far more impressive.

Are you committed to dressing better in 2016? Our expert tailor Damien Mullen has created a five part email course titled ‘Improve Your Style in 5 Days’. You can sign up for free here.