The material of a suit is one of the key factors when deciding what type of statement a suit will make. Every gentleman wants a suit that says something about them. You may wish to don a suit that speaks of your dynamism and energy, subtly hints at your impeccable taste or suggests that you are a practical man of the world. Whatever statement you wish to make, the first thing you need to think about is the material from which your suit will be made. Of course, bespoke tailoring offers a huge range of possibilities, but the main options for you to be aware of are cashmere, cotton, linen and velvet.

Cashmere is one of the most luxurious suit materials available. Any suit made from cashmere is a testament to the fine taste and epicurean proclivities of the wearer. It is the ideal material for any man who wishes to quietly declare that he is a true connoisseur of all things sartorial. As a bonus, its luxurious nature also says something rather flattering about the wearer’s bank balance.

Cotton, in comparison, is durable, breathable and practical. It can be used to create suits that suggest that their wearer is forward-thinking and energetic (after all, it’s a hard-wearing material for gents who are always on the go). Alternatively, it can be used to create suits that hint at the wearer’s level-headedness and reliability. Its durability and breathable quality are perfect for the gentleman who chooses his suits for their practical value.

For the gentleman who wants to project an easy-going persona, however, linen is the best choice. It is often used to make suits for attending outdoor events, so it is associated with relaxation and leisure. If you consider yourself a cool and unhurried sort of chap, linen is the best material for conveying those qualities.

Finally, if you long to stand out from the crowd with a bold, flamboyant look, you should opt for velvet. Velvet has traditionally been used to create evening suits, giving it an association with classy evening parties. It is the material for dashing rogues and dapper gadabouts. If you want to attract attention with your unique and unapologetic style, velvet is the material for you.
Everybody wants to make a statement. Choose a bespoke suit in the correct material to make yours.