Your tie is the first thing people notice. So, make sure you get noticed for the right reasons with these 8 excellent tips.
- How long should a tie be? The wide end of the tie should reach to your belt buckle. There is a view that the longer the greater confidence that exudes – clearly there is a limit. Not too short though! The narrow length of tie must never be longer than the wide end of the tie.
- White tie occasions are the rarest and most formal of occasions. The appropriate tie is a thin, white, hand-tied marcella bow-tie.
- Black tie events mean that a Black bow tie is to be worn (and should be hand tied)
- With a pocket square make sure it does not clash with your tie.
- If you wear a double breasted jacket with a tie, this should always be buttoned up and the end of the tie should NOT be visible.
- Debretts advise that a shirt with a turndown (not button-down) collar should be worn with a tie and the top button of the shirt must be done up.
- The knot needs to be chosen on the basis of the fabric of the tie and the desired look. The Half Windsor or Windsor creates a very professional look.
- Practice the Four-in-Hand knot too and make sure the thickness of the material is taken into account in the knot you choose.
Never forget, a tie communicates a message to the people you are meeting. Ties can communicate power, confidence, rational thinking, warmth, cheekiness, energy, tastelessness or laziness, so make sure you get it right!