10 Tips for Making a Great Suit Even Better

1. Try a 3 piece. 

Bespoke 3 Piece Suit

A well-cut waistcoat can add real formality to a suit, as well as warmth in the Winter and chilly Spring mornings. One tends not to see too many 3 piece suits at the moment, so it an be a real point of difference and give a bespoke look. Especially if you really make the silk back stand out in a bold and complimentary colour.

2. Wear good shoes.

Sanders and Sanders Broques

It's important to feel comfortable so don't try to cut corners with footwear. A pair of black brogues take a lot of beating in my opinion. Interestingly monk strap shoes are coming back into vogue at the moment, and are very smart. Take a look at our English made shoes.

3. Pocket squares.

Pocket Square

With the huge choice of linings available in our bespoke suits it can be maddening finding a perfectly matched pocket square. Why not let us line your outside breast pocket with the same lining as your jacket so you can pull it out and display it as a fantastic matching pocket square. (And don't worry, you can still use it as a working pocket)

4. Flash cuff and buttonhole stitching. 

Button Hole Stitching

Another bespoke touch and whilst not everyone's cup of tea, those with an eye for detail really enjoy toning the (working) buttonhole stitching to match the lining of the jacket. This can be a single buttonhole or all of them. Why not finish the cuff with a flash of lining beneath the button guard in a subtle but striking personalised touch.

5. Working cuffs. Proper suits should have them! Enough said.

6. Hand finished stitching. 

This is now a more prevalent finish and available in many off-the-peg suits. However, in our garments it is still a sign of a quality finish and I think makes a nice detail on the lapel. It tends to show much more prominently on lighter-weight cloths. So if you are one for the more subtle details, perhaps leave this for your Winter suits only.

7. Shirt grips. 

For increased comfort and to keep your trousers sitting comfortably at your waist rather than slipping down constantly; why not try a rubber shirt grip inside the trouser waistband to help keep things snug and hold things in place. You will look and feel smarter.

8. Turnups.

Bespoke Suit Turnups

These can move in and out of trend. And lately most chaps prefer a straight finished trouser. However, when buying two pairs of trousers (hugely prolongs lifespan of the suit) why not have one pair turned up and one plain. Also for slimmer, younger chaps, why not narrow the depth of the turnup for a more contemporary look and shorten the trouser leg slightly on that pair to prevent too much fullness of break on the shoe.

9. Have enough suits.

Selection of hanging bespoke suits

To stay looking sharp and smart give your suits a rest. A gentleman should have a selection of heavier suits. A selection of lighter suits. A dinner suit. Morning coat and sports jacket(s). None of this wearing a single suit every day of the week. That is not the recipe for looking smart.

10. Do not dry clean too much.

Dry cleaning is a trauma for a suit so less is definitely more. Try simply resting them, or having them gently steamed or pressed only rather than the full dry clean.