How to Store Out of Season Tailoring

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The wardrobe minimalists among us probably have abundant space to store their clothing year round. A perfectly put together capsule wardrobe takes up minimal space and doesn’t require seasonal pruning.

Most of us, however, do not fall into this category. We must confess that we love quality menswear too much to limit ourselves to a particular number of pieces! The upside of this is that we can thrill in an abundance of beautifully put together tailored outfits… the downside is that we have to find somewhere to put them all.

An over-filled wardrobe is not the best environment for your clothes. Squeezing garments in too close to each other can be bad news. Not only can this cause unsightly wrinkles, it can also put undue pressure on delicate fabrics and even attract moisture.

If you have more clothing than you do wardrobe space, it might be a good idea to think about storing out of season tailoring during the part of the year when it’s not in use. Not only can doing this give everything in your wardrobe breathing space, it can also help you to keep on top of what you have and ensure you don’t hold onto things you never wear.

When it comes to how you store off season clothes, it’s important to do so carefully. Incorrectly stored tailoring could be at risk of mould, discolouration or even moth bites.

  • Ideally, off season tailoring should be stored in a second wardrobe, such as in a spare bedroom.
  • Ensure you put everything away clean. Marks, stains and odours are likely to become worse over time, and they could even attract bacteria or insects.
  • Good quality hangers are important. Cheap or flimsy hangers could result in misshapen tailoring.
  • It’s important that clothing is able to breathe. If you’re using garment bags, make sure you choose cotton ones.
  • Don’t leave clothing wrapped in plastic, such as dry cleaning wrappers. Plastic can trap moisture which could lead to mould or discolouration.
  • If you do need to pack tailoring away in boxes, choose specialist garment boxes that allow for airflow. You’ll also want to make sure you fold each garment carefully, preferably with a sheet of acid-free tissue paper between each layer.

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