Tailoring and the ‘Back to School’ Feeling

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There’s something about September. Years of schooling mean that many of us associate the seasonal shift from summer to autumn as a time of new starts. This is especially true if you have children of school age yourself, as the whole family will be adjusting to the routine of a new school year. 

What better than to embrace this shift as an opportunity for some fresh thinking? This is a great time of year to review your progress and set some new goals.

What about style goals?

Of course, we’re always keen to welcome in a new season of style! Some of you might want to harness the freshness of the ‘back to school’ feeling in order to welcome in a new personal style goal.

This could be something as simple as refreshing your wardrobe and introducing a few versatile autumn-appropriate garments. Or it could be a bigger project of giving your dressing habits a complete makeover.

What if you want to usher in a new style stage?

Perhaps you’ve just got a new job, or are starting to look for one, perhaps you’re working towards a promotion, perhaps you’ve had a career change, or perhaps you are hoping to add maturity and sophistication to your daily look. 

Whatever your particular circumstances, we bet a good tailor could help you to feel completely transformed.

Is this just about clothes?

Let’s get one thing straight; tailoring is about far more than ‘just’ clothes. Good tailoring doesn’t just affect what you see in the mirror, it can also change the way others see you, and change the way you think about yourself.

If you feel like it’s time to make a change, the new academic year is a great time to do it. Why not book a tailoring appointment with us, either in York or London?